AFRICA is known as the dark continent because of its history that lies within it.It's history is built in European expansion in the form of imperialism. WHY DIDN'T AFRICA DEVELOP LIKE OTHER CONTINENTS COLONIZED BY EUROPE? Most of African countries got their independence much later than other American counterparts and had longer and deeper periods of colonization than Europe's Asian colonies.
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It also doesn't help since more of the Africa is landlocked than anywhere else in the world. The poor access to ocean shipping makes it much more difficult to build an export economy. Another issue is resource trap whereas leadership in a countries that are rich in mineral wealth have little incentive to develop good government as it can enrich itself by skimming from the profit of sales of gold and other mineral resources. The African countries mostly got their independence after the second world war and haven't had as much time to develop unlike south American countries who got their independence mostly in the 1800's and have been on their own since then. And also, "The function of a colony is to take money of a place and not to make that place better". This is why till today Africa is not developed.
The African continent did not develop because the race lacked the social structures, institutions, and a culture of scientific inquiry. Africans evolved without needing to plan for seasons. This means people were not selected for intelligence. Very little to no specialization in talents beyond survival skills developed. In the 1900s, much of African society was tribal and vastly behind every major race. Stuck in a cycle of tribalism, slavery, and warfare. Institutions, laws, and society as a whole selects for intellect, temperate behavior, and identity. Japanese, Chinese, and Indian, cultures already had this in place, so colonization benefitted them tremendously through the introduction of technology. Africans had none of these tools, so when technology and means of philosophical thought landed on their shores, they didn't even know what to do with it.